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Employment Criteria Model

Employment Criteria Tool

Finding a job that makes you happy can be hard. This is because when we look for work, we often pursue a single criterion that clouds our judgement.

It may be that we want to earn more, live in a certain location, or pursue a certain interest. Once we secure that criterion, we find ourselves unsatisfied due to other workplace criteria being less than favourable. To overcome this, UBH provide below a simple model that anyone can use when considering future employment opportunities to help them better understand, in a more objective way, which jobs might make them happier.

1. Across the columns titles Job 1, 2, 3, 4, change the headings to the jobs that you are considering.


2. For each job, complete the criteria with a rating from 1 to 10. Each criterion has a brief description below to assist in understanding its value. If you don't know the value, try to research it. If you can't find the information, leave it blank, but understand what it means to you based on the personal level of importance you place on that criteria.


3. Once all criteria are completed for each job, refer to the radar chart to compare your options. Remember to keep in mind the criteria of importance to you, but also understand how the rating of the other criteria might impact your level of job satisfaction after a period of time there.


4. Once you settle into your new job, complete the chart again with your original scores and your new scores now you know them. Find out what has changed, and how it impacts your happiness in a job. This will help you the next time you're ready for a change and start using the model again.



How you rate each criterion will be personal and dependent on your current needs. You may have just started a family and desire greater security and flexibility, or you may be at a point in your life where you want to take greater risks and view a higher-difficulty job as a challenge. Regardless, these criteria are agnostic and the importance weighting you give them is your own.

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Criteria Considerations

Criteria Considerations

How satisfying is the work? How much fulfillment and reward will you get from it? Will the job give you a sense of purpose?


  1 = Unsatisfying

10 = Extremely Satisfying



How convenient is the job based on your current position? Would you need to change much to do it? Would you need to move or change your routine?


  1 = Inconvenient

10 = Excellent Convenience



How much job security is there in the position? Could you do it indefinitely if you wanted to? Is there a likelihood of redundancy or the business failing?


  1 = Insecure

10 = Extremely Secure



How long would you want to do the job? Is it something that will burn you out or wain in interest? Does the job entail personal risk that would reduce your ability to do it over time?


  1 = Very Short Term

10 = Very Long Term



How hard would the job be? Is it physically or mentally demanding? Is it within your abilities? Are you seeking a challenge?


  1 = Very Difficult

10 = Very Easy



What is the work environment like? Is it relaxed or stressful? Does it have a good work-life balance? Are you respected and valued, and is my hard work valued? Is the team culture good?


  1 = Poor Environment

10 = Excellent Environment


What is the pay like compared to your current position? Do you get bonuses or awards? Is the superannuation good? Are you recognised and rewarded?


  1 = Poor Benefits

10 = Excellent Benefits



Are there opportunities for promotion and advancement? Will you learn new skills in the job? Will this position look good on your CV?


  1 = No Advancement

10 = Many Opportunities



Does the job provide you with skills, insights, knowledge, and networks to move into other jobs or markets? Can you use your current skills and experience in this job?


  1 = Poor Transferability

10 = Excellent Transferability



Can you work from home? Are there offices in different locations where you could transfer? Are there options to leave for a period and return?


  1 = Inflexible

10 = Excellent Flexibility



Is this an opportunity you must seize now, or can it wait? Can you do it at any age? Is there a timeframe on the use of key skills, knowledge, or networks?


  1 = Not Time Critical

10 = Very Time Critical

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