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Why Engage UBH Group?

UBH Group is proud to lead the way in Australia as the first company to achieve ISO 19443 certification.


Additionally, we are the pioneers in offering services specifically tailored for the Nuclear Supply Chain in Australia which include Awareness and Training, Consulting and the provision of ISO Management System Software hosted in Defence-grade secure SaaS, and Coordination and Compliance Assurance services for large companies own supply chains.


Our nuclear credentials are further enhanced by the appointment of our inaugural Chief Nuclear Officer – Mark Schneider,  underscoring our commitment to excellence and safety in the sector.


Our offerings are strategically informed by our esteemed experts, Dr. Ian Langford and Dr. Lynn Williams, ensuring that our approach is grounded in cutting-edge research and industry best practices. By partnering with UBH Group, you are engaging with a depth of expertise in Defence, Security, and Nuclear support for the Defence Nuclear Supply Chain, reinforcing your commitment to quality and safety.

By partnering with UBH Group, you are engaging with a depth of expertise in Defence, Security, and Nuclear support for the Defence Nuclear Supply Chain, reinforcing your commitment to quality and safety.

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Why is ISO 19443 important?

Ensuring nuclear safety is paramount, necessitating a robust safety culture across the entire nuclear supply chain.
The ISO 19443 standard outlines specific quality management system requirements for those within the nuclear sector who supply equipment, systems, and services to operators. By adhering to this standard, suppliers not only fulfill customer expectations but also boost overall customer satisfaction through the system's effective application. This encompasses implementing risk-based strategies, fostering continuous improvement, and guaranteeing compliance.


As nuclear technologies advance, corresponding standards like ISO 19443 will evolve as well. Currently, while ISO 19443 is not legally mandated for nuclear suppliers, the rapid progress in this field suggests that its adoption may soon become mandated.

ISO Certification offers a wide range of benefits, that can lead to a stronger, more sustainable future for your business.

Benefits of
ISO Certification


  • Facilitate regulatory compliance

  • Improved product/service quality

  • Continuous improvement

  • Enhanced customer service

  • Cost Savings

  • Competitive advantage

  • Employee morale engagement

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How Does UBH Support

ISO 19443?

UBH Support to ISO 19443
  1. UBH Chief Nuclear Officer, and Strategic Experts, Mark Schneider and Dr Lynn Williams, provide support to the Government and Regulators.

  2. We provide support to Defence and Defence Industry Primes management supply chain requirements.

  3. Our technology services support the Naval Nuclear Supply Chain.

  4. We support sub-suppliers who do not specialise in nuclear and are a critical part to our nuclear capabilities.

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What do you Need to do for iso 19443 Certification?

ISO 19443: 3rd Party Audit
  1. UBH provides independent awareness training before stage 1 audits.

  2. & 3. UBH provides consulting services between stage 1 and 2 audits to ensure companies are prepared.

  3. & 4. UBH provides DISP-accredited software products and services to ensure compliance with ISO 19443.

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Nuclear Supply Chain:


Our Nuclear Supply Chain Academy provides the following:



  • Our nuclear awareness sessions follow a day-long core structure that focus on context and guiding principals and requirements behind nuclear processes.

  • Prior to commencement of the session, we assess the customisation required for your organisation to then build upon our core structure. This provides a tailormade training package that’s optimised for your team. Notably, it is a risk-adjusted version of that provided to high-risk operators of nuclear operation.

  • Once completed, you receive a certificate of participation provides a gateway to  empowers you to competently contribute.

1st Party Internal Audit &
2nd Party Supply Chain Audit Training


  • Our nuclear audit training is a day-long practical immersion in the ISO 19443 standard, with focus on audit methodology and practical audit skills.

  • Prior to commencement of the training, participants must have received a certificate of participation from the ISO 19443 Awareness session. This enables a risk-adjusted version to optimise the use of resources.

  • Once completed, you receive a certificate of participation that empowers you to conduct 1st and 2nd party auditing.

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Nuclear Supply Chain:

Consulting & Software

Our Nuclear Supply Chain Consulting & Software provides the following:



  • ISO 19443 management system capability uplift

  • ISO 19443 certification pre-assessment

  • Defence supply chain pre-assessment and uplift (including Panels, DISP program, Essential 8)

  • Defence and industry contextualisation and growth advisory

Integrated Management System Software
(SaaS or internal deployment)


  • An Integrated Management System software that provides a single platform for managing documents, processes, risk and compliance.

  • A proven, external audit-friendly tool currently in use by many of the large organisations involved in nuclear in UK, US and Europe.

  • If internally deployed to your organisation, reap the benefit of knowing your own control environment.

  • If SaaS, UBH Group provides Australian-based hosting to satisfy compliance requirements for the Australian context:

    • Australian-only data location

    • ISO 19443 organisation

    • (Defence) DISP-endorsed hosting environment

    • Security-cleared systems administrators (Australian, UK and US)

    • Hosting environment cleared to OFFICIAL:SENSITIVE (and higher as required)

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Nuclear Supply Chain:

Coordination &

Compliance Assurance

Our Nuclear Supply Chain Coordination & Compliance service provides the following:



  • Our Coordination offering for Nuclear Licensed Site/Operator encompasses acting as the prime single point of coordination for the integration of broader services and products in nuclear-licensed environments, both site and/or operator.

  • Strategically guided by our experts Chief Nuclear Officer, Defence Strategic Advisor and Nuclear Compliance Specialist, UBH Group provides an end-to-end onboarding and management solution for services and products where the target vendor is unable, unwilling or not ISO 19443 certified.

  • This is a repeatable, scalable solution that enables a responsive, fast-moving supply chain.

Compliance Assurance


  • Our Compliance Assurance service comes in two forms:

    • Providing the assurance you demand from our Coordination service; they are inherently linked, so you only pay once for both. Or

    • We act as your internal audit and supply chain audit capability, contributing the assurance program which monitors the health of your nuclear supply chain against ISO 19443 requirements.

UBH: ISO 19443 Certified

As Australia’s first ISO 19443 certified company, we are experienced at assuring nuclear supply chain requirements for those organisations that require a level of ISO 19443 assurance in their supply chain, yet do not see value in apportioning the resources to individually manage compliance at scale.


Ensuring adherence to stringent industry standards, UBH Group leverages the profound expertise of our Chief Nuclear Officer and our exceptional compliance specialists to provide regulatory oversight, audit and advisory to the supply chain.

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Contact Us

Suite 3 • Level 5

303 Coronation Drive

Milton • QLD • Australia


Tel: 1300 824 266 (1300 UBH 266)


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